One of the things my poor health stopped me from doing last year was releasing monthly digital stamps. Creating digital stamps and releasing them each month was a labor of love for me. Yes, it is a lot of work - creating artwork, creating cards with this artwork (by sizing, printing, coloring, cutting, assembling), creating blog post + social media posts about these along with all the housekeeping tasks like setting them up as products on Etsy & my store - it does take a lot of time and effort. That also involves a lot of sitting in one place and my poor lower back just could not do that.
So after recovering, that was the first thing I wanted to do. It still took me 7 months of thinking, planning, self-doubting, creating but not sharing, and several other things to get here. And I am so glad I did. For now, I am only bringing in the Silver membership which will give you free digital stamps each month (do scroll down to read all the finer details). My plan is to bring back the bigger (and paid version) depending on what else happens. Let's see.
So my dear crafty friends, I present to you, the two free digital stamp sets that my Silver members will get for this month:

You can access them here (Free Resources page).
Some finer points (in not so fine print, just because I want to make sure everyone understands this):
The Free Resources are resources that are available for Silver members of this site
Silver membership is a free plan and I plan to keep it free as long as I can
There are already 40+ stamp sets that are free in this cove. I will add new sets there each month. However, I cannot guarantee that a stamp set Free this month will remain Free forever. I reserve all rights to manage this cove including adding or removing resources from there.
Stay tuned for lots of inspiration and keep crafting!