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It's 8th of the month and Silver Members get these 2 free digital stamp sets

Yes, it's 8th of the month, and I am here with the new FREE goodies for our Silver membership subscribers.

This is a membership that allows you to get 2 free digital stamp sets each month. Yes, you read that right - free, no charge, $0. And you can cancel anytime. There are other perks to being a Silver Member - like getting access to 40+ other digital designs, coupons to my home decor store, and more.

This month I have the following free digital stamp sets for you.

Coneflowers Digital Stamp Set

Dainty Darling Digital Stamp Set

You can access them here (Free Resources page).

Some finer points (in not so fine print, just because I want to make sure everyone understands this):

  • The Free Resources are resources that are available for Silver members of this site

  • Silver membership is a free plan and I plan to keep it free as long as I can

  • There are already 40+ stamp sets that are free in this cove. I will add new sets there each month. However, I cannot guarantee that a stamp set Free this month will remain Free forever. I reserve all rights to manage this cove including adding or removing resources from there.

Stay tuned for lots of inspiration and keep crafting!



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