Hi friends, it is that time of the year – time to introspect, learn from the past year, set goals for the new year and get ready for our next trip around the sun.

Here are the goals I had set for 2019 and my progress on these:
Thing to do:
Exercise 4 days a week: no progress at all. Will carry it to 2020. If only I had half the motivation for this as compared to what I have for crafting!! :(
Habit to form:
10000 steps every day. I did an average of 6500 as per my fitbit, but I do believe I must have done more like 7500 or even 8000 because there are several days when I am actually out and about and walking, I forget to charge my fitbit and those steps are not recorded :D
Create every day: oh yes, did this one and continuing to do it. Yes, I don’t share all the things I make. Some of these were epic failures, but most of them were pretty good (if I may say so myself). I just gave them away before taking decent pictures, so could not share. Let me know in the comments below if you’d like to see these things, albeit with some not-so-great pictures.
Start second blog: I have been wanting to start another blog with more of life in general (family, travel, food, budget etc). I did start one up, but when I got approved to be a vendor at Painted Tree, this blog kinda got forgotten. Not sure if I will be able to pick it up in 2020 either.
Skill to learn:
Digital Marketing: On it! I am learning a whole lot of stuff in the Instagram Makeover program by Kat Coroy. This is a course that she could actually break down and sell like 6 different courses. People would definitely pay for it and consider it a great value for money. But this is one-stop-shop for everything you wanted to learn about building your brand authentically on social media. Yes, don’t get hung up on the name “Instagram Makeover” – several of the things she teaches can be seamlessly applied to other social media platforms for great results. I am so glad I saved up money and invested in this training.
Google Analytics – rolling this one into 2020.
Things to give up:
Worrying: no success here yet. Any suggestions?
Things to achieve:
Saving every month – on it, but slowly. Will continue in 2020.
Overall 2019 was a great year for me and my creative business:
I started working with Spellbinders as their Club Influencer and Guest Designer. Love their products and their team. Absolutely amazing people.
I discovered that I actually love working with die cutting and 3d projects. I discovered that delicate, intricate designs are something I actually enjoy working with. I discovered that I can play with different color combos and stepping out of my comfort zone actually produces results I come to love.
I reached the milestone of 1K on Instagram. I know this isn’t a whole lot at all, but I am definitely going to celebrate it (watch my Insta for a giveaway coming soon) :)
I did open a booth in a brick-and-mortar store here in Franklin – The Painted Tree Marketplace. #dreamcometrue :)
Yes, lots of stumbling, falling, losing it and trying to keep it together. But through it all – learning and growing. I am so grateful for 2019 and so excited for what 2020 is going to bring.
Here is what I want to set for myself in 2020:
When I searched my heart for a word for 2020, I found this:
So with that in mind, here are my goals:
Thing to do:
Visit my family in India. It’s been 4 years since I have been home, so want to make this a priority.
Habit to form:
10000 steps every day: Yup, definitely planning to continue more with this and reach the target. Wish me luck :)
Create every day: Absolutely.
Water every 30 mins: I do okay with this one when I am at work, because I do keep water bottle next to me. But it’s the weekends that have me slacking.
Hire at least one creator to make multiples of my designs. Try to remove myself from being a bottleneck, especially since I have a store now.
Diversify: Already started on this one too. Want to get into creating felt accessories and home goods. Also want to indulge in some sewing.
Skill to learn:
Google Analytics – rolled this one from 2019.
Working with felt and fabric: Will learn using youtube from other creators. Please share if you have any suggestions for this one also.
Things to give up:
Worrying: Any suggestions?
Things to achieve:
Partner with one other company for promoting their crafty products. Let me know if any of you are interested in collaborating.
Stretch goal:
366 posts to Instagram in 2020. Not sure if I can do this one, but at least for one year, I definitely want to give it a try. Will you join me? Tag #createwithvs or @varadasharma if you plan to join.
There you have it. Some insight into my little head. What about you? Do share, I’d love to hear.
Much love and heartfelt gratitude! Hope you have an amazing 2020 and hope you get your heart’s desire this year!! ~Varada
