A couple weeks ago, I was bored of eating the normal food – rice, daal, roti, subzi. One fine day, me and Shipra (the source of this recipe) decided to make grilled salad for lunch.
Boiled soya nuggets for 5 mins with water and salt. Squeezed and drained the water completely. Chopped capsicum + tomato + onion. Packed these items along with some mayo, salt and pizza seasoning and carried them in my tiffin to office.
During lunch time, me and Shipra mixed chopped veggies with cooked nuggets, added pizza seasoning, adjusted salt. Cooked in microwave for 2-3 mins on grill mode.
Removed, added mayo and mixed them well.
We think it would’ve tasted all the more better with some garlic bread, but was great just like that too…
Try it! :)
