My life is full of random things. Setbacks and struggles. Happiness and successes. I like to share it here sometimes. When you do take time to reply back, it makes me feel connected. Kinda like we’re friends, although we’ve not seen each other in person.
I also like to experiment with everyday things, try to make them pretty :) I will share here my experiments with papers, beads, cloth, vegetables etc. just like I would share them with my friends over at my home.
Mainly what you will see here is handmade cards – after dabbing into jewelry, home decor items and other crafty things, I finally found my calling with card making. I love to make handmade cards and share them with people I love, adore, look up to. This is my way of spreading kindness in this world.
I sell my handmade cards on this blog at All profits from this store go towards sponsoring education for children in India. I feel blessed to be able to do this.
From time to time you’ll also find free printable artworks, inexpensive DIY project ideas and so on. Please feel free to reuse whatever you like. Goes without saying that yes, I’d love credits and backlinks! It’s a good thing to give credit where credit is due.
So? Read on! Make yourself comfortable. Have a sip of coffee / chai / lemonade. Relax.
I hope you enjoy your stay and visit often…

My name is
Varada Sharma.

Like every woman I wear several hats during my day. I am a software industry worker from 9 to 5 on weekdays, an avid crafter on weekends, a completely-in-love wife + a doting mother to two princesses 24/7, and of course, a blogger. I live in USA and this is my corner of the internet where I share things that I create / admire.

I simply adore my Kanhaji – unconditionally, simply and with all my heart. From time to time do expect to hear his stories, teachings, etc on this blog. {If you’ve met me personally, you know this by now… 😃 }