Just outside my home one doggie and her five pups, all 1-week-old, have come to live. The pups are so very cute. Little Akshara is mad over them!

On Saturday, Bhabhi brought one of them home and we gave him some milk. It was a joy watching him lap it up… Love this puppy…. :)

Feb is always time for submission of investment proofs. Lots of work, really. But this time my daughter’s school, Amity Vasundhara, have started online payments + receipts system. Saves us one item to look up!
Akshara’s birthday is on 10th. She’ll be two. We’re having a simple party at home centered just around her. Kids are cooking up ideas for gifts ranging from a room-full-of-baloons to I-won’t-irritate-her-at-all-through-out-her-day. I am confused what to gift this little toddler who is so infuriating at one moment and adorable at the next one.
Any great ideas? Do you think she’ll be able to ride a tricycle?
A few days ago, in one of my ongoing convos with my Kanhaji I had asked him to help me find my calling. I don’t wish to die with my music still inside me. I want to go from this planet by making it a little better place because I had lived on it. I want to face my Kanhaji with no wishes pending. When I meet my Kanhaji, I do not want to ever have to leave him. Not even for coming back to this planet.
I think the universe is conspiring to show me my purpose on this planet. The Secret scrolls which I’ve subscribed of are also prompting me to live more intentionally.
We had a great session on “5 Choices to extraordinary productivity” by FranklinCovey folks at our office yesterday. It was great! The presenter was really good. Although it was an online executive summary session and she could not see us personally, she made it interactive by asking specific question in between, getting us engaged with the videos etc. 1 hour spent very well ! Learning to choose every moment about what to do and what to let go is an essential skill on my path to living intentionally.
I also stumbled across Michael Hyatt’s blog (Thanks, Mohit san for this!) and am working on my *life plan*. Will keep you guys posted about my progress, but I do feel everyone should have one. More about that in a separate post.
We are planning a *Valentine’s Week* at VaradaSharma’s from 7th to the 14th. It’ll be a week full of crafts, recipes, gift ideas, downloadable items, linky parties and more. Stay tuned to this space to learn more about it. Better still, click on the Subscribe link in sidebar to get daily updates, so you don’t miss a thing. :)
Phew. A brain-full of thoughts. Emptied out in front of you… Many thanks for staying with me. Hope you are having a great week….
