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The Undomestic Goddess

Life for woman in jobs is almost non existent isn’t it?

You are so busy attending meetings, meeting deadlines and dying to resolve issues; that fun times just ignore you. When home makers are busy ironing clothes while watching their favourite ‘bahu’ (daughter-in-law) get scolded by her villainous ‘saas’ (mother-in-law) on Zee T.V., you are busy taking status updates from your team mates, juggling schedules, trying to fit a 67 hour task into 42 hours. When your kid comes home and wants to show off the ‘star’ rating given by her favorite teacher, you are busy taking client calls from home or being yelled at by your boss. You go on a holiday to see your parents after a whole year and jump with dread every time the phone rings – lest it should be from your office.

And you think this is life! You think that is the way to live for now, so you can retire rich and do the things you really love.

That’s nearly how things were with Ms. Samantha Sweeting who was attending her own birthday celebration dinner with two phones – one from her mom and another from her brother – both people having other more important things to do. She is about to become partner in one of the top law firms when a dirty trick by one of her colleagues ruins her plans for future.

What does she do? Get angry and vow vengeance? Run away from it all? Escape? Does she even manage to clear her name?

Read “The Undomestic Goddess” – a fun-drama-romance and so-very-real-life novel by Sophie Kinsella.  Grab your copies:From flipkart (free shipping in India):

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